Friday, December 3, 2010

What I want in a domme

There are really a lot of things to say about that. I guess the main reason I want a domme is because it feels nice having one. I feel safe, protected, secure, loved, wanted, needed... But as for specific qualities in a domme, I'm not sure I know completely. I've roleplayed all about it before, but it's completely different to experience it yourself. And that's what I've been doing since we started. Experiencing it. I'm not sure what other dommes are like, or what qualities they have that you don't. I don't mean to sound like the only qualities I can think of are ones that you have, but I don't know of many others.

One quality I know for sure is important to me is gentleness. Not leniency, but gentleness. I like soft touches a lot, as I'm sure you've figured out. But I also like to be talked gently to, and things like that. Another thing that I want in a domme is general niceness. I wouldn't want a domme that was mean to me, or hurt me all the time. Something else that is nice to have is a domme that is willing to do things for you sometimes. Like how you pay for my monthly event and buy me food all the time. I want a domme who will help me fix some of the problems I have, like procrastinating and setting schedules for myself.

There are the only things that are coming to mind right now. I'm sure there are more, but it took me over an hour just to come up with those, and nothing else is coming to mind. But for sure those are the things that are most important to me in a domme.

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